
Kei: Lost People, Lost Music

Curling into your ears like smoke from a flower, the zen-heavy music of one of Nagoya’s most talented musicians has begun to attract international attention - and should attract yours.

Similar to Jim O’ Rourke’s solo work, Kei manages to string together a subtle, psychedelic guitar, where each track varies in virtuosity, to create vast ethereal soundscapes of exotic ambiant music.

Kei’s 3rd album Lost People, Lost Music uses some Sgt. Pepper’s style tomfoolery to mask his work as an compilation of lost, ancient Japanese music. An eagerly awaited 4th album nears completion.

Listen to a sample:
Ondo No Seto

Kei will be performing his unique style of music at Tokuzo on July 22nd.

Don't miss it!


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