
August Cinema/8月シネマ

La Marche de L'Empereur (March of the Penguins)/皇帝ペンギン

(Documentary) (France) (2004) 80 min dir. Luc Jacquet

A beautiful and poetic documentary realized by French ornithologist Luc Jacquet. Following a flock of penguins in the most remote part of the world, the documentary captures their departure from Antartica’s frozen waters for the frozen continent’s slightly more hospitable ice fields, so as to carry on the survival of their species. Penguin love, penguin tragedy, and penguin adventure in the deepest south. Exceptional.


Palindromes/おわらない物語 アビバの場合

(Movie) (USA) (2004) 100 min dir. Todd Solondz, with Ellen Barkin, Shayna Levine, Richard Masur, Jennifer Jason Leigh

A palindrome is a word which carries the same meaning when read from either direction. Kind of like AVIVA, the name of the main character which is performed by 8 different actors and actresses! To make thing more unusual and perplexing, Aviva is 12, and she badly wants a baby. Her parents are unsurprisingly deaf to her wants, so she decides to run away. She finds a world outside that is somehow more hostile, but also richer in opportunities.

NAGOYA CINEMATHEQUE (IMAIKE) until 8/5 14:20 16:20 18:30


(Movie) (USA) (2004) 92 min dir. Jeff Renfroe and Marteinn Thorsson with Jeremy Sisto, Deborah Anger, Udo Kier

Are you paranoid? Do THEY plot against you? Are you infected? Or are these just hallucinations of your deranged mind? 1.0 invites you to share the nightmare of a young computer programmer who becomes a guinea pig in a sinister experiment that would make Kafka smirk in his grave. Thrilling.


Suite Habana / 永遠のハバナ

(Movie) (Spain) (2003) 84 min dir. Fernando Pérez with Francisco Cardet, Amanda Gautier
A drag queen hospital launderer, a railroad mechanic who plays saxophone, a young man who does carpentry work before dancing ballet. Touching on great human themes such as devotion, loss, and the pursuit of dreams, confident in the music of its subjects' modest lives, "Suite Habana" is a purely organic picture a lyrical document, and an ode to everyday moments, joys, lulls, and tasks.


Blue Requiem

(Movie) (France) (2003) 115 min dir. Nicolas Boukhrief with Albert Dupontel, Jean Dujardin, François Berléand

After 3 murderous armored car convey attacks, a society nears bankruptcy and a young man named Alexandre starts a new job as a conveyor for a funds transport company. Blue Requiem is driven by by an excellent storyline, directed by an accomplished filmmaker, stars Dupontel (one of the great contemporary French actors) and is carried out in the tradition of French film-noir.


My Beautiful Girl, Mari/マリといた夏

(Animation) (Korea) (2002) 80 min dir. Lee Sung-Gang
Korean animation’s first major internationally acclaimed production is the story of the young Nam -Woo who, in a rut of misfortune, discovers a magical marble which transports him to an enchanted land. Floating on clouds, riding on the back of fantastic creatures, he meets the ethereal girl called Mari, who is changes his life forever. A beautiful fairy tale about the dream-worlds of children and the importance of fantasy to the formation of our adult minds.



Short movies and an exhibition by a group of students of the Aichi Prefectural University of fine arts and music, defining themselves as being under the influence of lettuce and shrimp…


PTU (The Mission)

(Action movie) (Hong Kong) (2001) 111 min dir. Johnny To with Anthony Wong Chau-Sang, Francis Ng Chun-Yu, Jackie Lui Chung-Yin

The Mission is the story of 5 retired professionals hired to protect a local godfather. A Hong Kong movie masterpiece alternating intense action scenes and long moments of idleness with the same tension. Johnny To, as Melville and Sergio Leone before him, succeeds here in recycling old action movies gimmicks with talent, to offer us an elegant, stylish, deep, cold but beautiful object, miles away from the out-of-breath productions of Hollywood action movies.

CINEMA SKHOLE (NAGOYA STATION) 8/20〜26 12:30/16:10/19:50 8/27〜9/2 20:50

Der Untergang (Downfall)/ヒトラー

(Movie) (Germany) (2003) 150 min dir. Oliver Hirschbiegel, with Bruno Ganz, Juliane Kohler, Alexandra Maria Lara

Haunted by the ghost of the Beast, no European movie has yet succeeded in realistically showing Adolf Hitler as a man. Until now. The scene is Berlin, April 1945. The Third Reich is collapsing. Hitler, his generals and his soldiers take shelter in the Fuhrer’s bunker. The story of the Reich’s last hours is told by Traudi Junge, Hitler’s very loyal private secretary, who refuses to leave him behind. Bruno Ganz is a stunning Hitler, carrying on his conscious and delirious incoherences all through the 2h30m of this chilling movie. There’s matter here to meditate on the disasters of the hubris, and man’s propensity towards crime and craziness.

MEIEN CINESALON (SAKAE) 8/6〜9/2 10:00/12:55/15:50/18:45


Afrirampo Interview/あふりらんぽのインタビュー

May 30th. 2 screaming, jumping Osaka banshees named Pikacyu and Oni flay the minds of a huge audience at Tokuzo - standing on their drums, brutalizing an audience already bleeding from the eyes after Nagoya's own Acid Mothers Temple's opening show. For those who dont know Afrirampo, their own self-description explains them best:

"2 young Japanese girls rock duo from Osaka JAPAN! Naked rock!!!!! Naked soul!!! Red red - strong red dress!! Freeeeeeeeedam paradice rock! Jump! With improvisation. Sooo fantastic & wild performance! wowowowowowwoooooowwwww!!!!!!!"

LightHouse caught up with Afrirampo after their show for few questions:

Listen to the audio interview: Afrirampo Audio Interview (5.7mb)

You’ve been playing abroad, can you tell the difference between the Japanese audience and foreign audiences?

Oni: ウーン全然違いますけど、でも二つとも好きやから・・・どう違うか? ノリが違う。
It’s really different. I like both very much, though...what’s different? The crowd’s reaction is different...

LH: そうなの?

Oni:  でも日本人のひとも最初シャイやけど、やっぱりどんどん慣れていくとwaah! って盛り上がるから、スゴイ好き。
But even though the Japanese can be shy at first, they progressively get into it and waaah!, they explode...I love that!

LH: その、例えば海外のほうがもっと? 最初から・・・
How about the foreigners...do they at first....

Oni: うん、最初一発目から jaaangooooo!!! って聞こえる。(彼女達がステージに上げるぬいぐるみの)
Definitely! We play a song, and all at once, it’s JAAAANNGOOOO!!!!, even before we play the second one...this is different.

LH: よく耳にするのが、日本では曲と曲の間、観客は静かにしてると・・・けどAFRILAMPOはそうでもない・・・ですね(笑)。
In Japan, people are said to be very quiet during the songs...maybe not during afrilampo concerts, though...

Oni: MCの時に日本人は静かにしてるって?けどアメリカ人はウルサイって?
Yeah,exactly ! The Japanese audience is really quiet between songs,on the other hand Americans are very loud. However why are the Japanese so quiet ?

LH: 元々、バンド始めた時に、自分達が海外にやると思ってました?
Originally, when you started the band, did you ever think you would play abroad?

Oni: や、結成して3ヶ月後位でアメリカツアーしようと言うてたから・・・ずっと行きたいと思った。
We began to talk about tour in US after 3 months after we started the band, we’d always thought about going...maybe in summer.

LH: 今日,会場に来てた外国人が口を揃えて言ってたのは、『何であふりらんぽの2人は 赤なの?』って We have one question from the foreigners who came to see the show today: Why red?

(Pikacyu enters)

Oni: ウーン、ホワイレッド?
uhhhhh……..Why red?

LH: 燃えるから?
Is it because red is an exciting color?

Oni: かな・・・みんな最初そう思うんやな・・・ でも、なんやろ『ホワイレッド?』why redって考えることが大事やな maybe...that’s what first comes to people’s mind...Yes, that’s what it was, originally... Uhuhuh…. It is something important to think about: why red?

LH: 結成した最初の時から赤いモノを着けていたの?
So...you’ve been wearing red from the beginning?

Oni: うん、一回、黒とか花柄とかでもやったことがあるん、私服でもやったことがある。 私服は最悪やった。
Yes, or flashy or black...we used to wear evil clothes...

LH : でも前回の得三は何か赤のペイントして・・・
The last time you were here in Tokuzo, you were wearing red paint...

Pikacyu: そう、裸で。
Yes, and we were naked.

LH : 聴いた所によると、お2人はアフリカに行ったことがあるそうですが、 それはアフリカのどこです?
I heard you were in Africa for a while...where did you go in Africa?

Oni: カメルーン。
In Cameroun.

LH : あそこでフランス語を勉強しましたか?
Did you study some French there?

Pikacyu: 行く前ちょっとだけフランス語を・・・ウィ
Just a little bit before going...

LH : Donc, si je vous pose des questions en francais, est-ce-que vous comprenez?
Right, so if I ask you some questions in French, will you understand?)

(元気!元気!だから!あなた。。。フランス語を少し話せますか?/Fine! Fine! Because! You...Can you speak a little French?)

LH : アフリカにはどの位滞在したんですか?又、何故、アフリカに?と言うのも、アフリカに行く日本人のミュージシャンっては多くないですね。アフリカの音楽に 興味があるの? How long had you stayed there ? Also, why did you go to Africa? I mean It’s pretty rare for Japanese musicians. Are you interested in some African music?

2 months.Yeah! We love! Also, we just wanted to live with pygmees.
LH : Pygmees!!!

Pikacyu: そう、森の中で。それから、アフリカに行きました。
Yes, in the forest. So we went to Africa.

LH : どうやってピグミーとコミュニケーションできましたか?
So how did you do to communicate with the pygmees?

Oni: スマイル、ダンシング、ミュージック、トラバイ。
Smiles, dance, music, and travail.

LH : あの、世界中でステージを踏んでいますが、名古屋の印象ってどうですか? 今日のステージは凄く楽しんでいる様に見えたんですが,オカシイです? I know you play in lots of places around the world. You looked so fun at today’s show. but... Don’t you think Nagoya is a weird place?

Oni: エエ〜っと、ガイ・ユニットと去年にやった時には、名古屋はスゴいなと思った。
Well, last year, when we played here with gai-unit, I thought Nagoya was really great.

I was really surprised there are some great bands like Acid Mothers, and Gai unit here in Nagoya.

Pikacyu: 名古屋ではアシッドマザーズとか、川端さんとかばっかりライブをしてるから、なんかすごいお客さんの方も
We know the Acid Mothers, Kawabata-san and the others pretty well. Everybody’s really great, really funny. Otherwise, it’s true that our friends often say the audience isn’t good in Nagoya, not a bunch of people, not a great interest in music...But as far as we’re concerned, we’ve never felt that way here. We’ve always had a good time !

LH:去年、お二人は ソニックユースとヨーロッパを一緒にツアーで回ったけど、どうやって知り合ったんですか?
You also played with Sonic Youth, last year, on their last European tour. How did you get in contact with them?

Pikacyu: あの2年前、サーストン・ムーアがロスに他のバンドを見に来た時に、私達のショウも見てくれて、
気に入ってくれたみたい。で、その後、サーストンが「Great Great 」ってメールを送って来たの。
About 2 years ago, Thurston Moore went to see a band in Los Angeles. He also saw our show the same night, he really liked us, and then, he e-mailed us, saying it was great...

LH: ソニックユースと一緒にツアーをするのはイイ経験になったと思うんすが・・・
I guess it was a good experience for you to tour with them...I heard you tried to attack Jim O’Rourke on stage...is it the truth, or is it just a legend?

Pikacyu: ジム・オルークを殴った殴ったってメチャ言われとったけど、違う!
There is a rumor that I hit Jim O’Rourke. It’s not true. Do you know the inflated toy-guitar like
inner-tube ? I tried to imitate Thurston Moore making feedback with his guitar and amp and
upsidedown of guitar on the stage of SonicYouth.But I realized they played very seriously at that time and stopped to try to do it.And I just thought again what other I would do with it at that situation…. So I just started to keep hitting Thurston’s guitar with the inflated toy-guitar !and
Jim’s guitar !!!!!!!!!At that time I didn’t realize myself tough I just rushed to the their stage… It was so awesome !!!!!.

LH: 最後はバカな質問があります。。。
We also have some stupid questions to ask you...

LH: もし、あふりらんぽとアシッドマザーテンプルが闘ったらどっちが勝つと思う? 因みに、アシッドマザーテンプルの東サンはレーゼー光線を発します(笑)! How about if AFRILAMPO fights with ACID MOTHERS TEMPLE? And please be careful because Higashi-san has fire claws and laser breath...

Oni: あーそうなんや?・・・んんんん〜あふりらんぽ!
Does he ?uhuhuhuhuh…………..AFRILAMPO!


Oni:レッド ウィンズ!!モアモア ファイヤー ブァ〜ブア〜!レッドはウィン。

LH: 最後のバカな質問です。もしラモーンズになれるだったら、誰になりたい?
One more question: If you could bring any Ramone, one member, back to life, from the dead...who?

Pikacyu: ラモーンズってよく知らない。
I don’t know the Ramones very well, but she...

Oni: 夢でラモーンズと一緒にライブを何度かやったことがあるけど・・・ I played with the Ramones a couple of times in my dreams.

LH: 誰と?
With whom?

Oni: みんなと花いちもんめとかしてぇ〜何回か夢の中で。何かメッチャ縁があるねんな、 ラモーンズ。友達のライトニングボルトのドラマーも夢でラモーンズと共演したことがあるらしい。 何か訳わからんよな〜ウチだけじゃなくて、人も見てるんねんな。。。ラモーンズ。 With everybody Me&Ramones played HANAICHIMONME, a Japanese traditional children’s game many times… There’s something about them..My friend, the drummer from LIGHTNING BOLT also dreamed that the Ramones and him played together in dream!!!That’s something I don’t understand, you see...it’s not only me...other people dream of the Ramones too...

Check out a video sample of the encore with the Acid Mothers Temple: A Cappella Encore Video


Kei: Lost People, Lost Music

Curling into your ears like smoke from a flower, the zen-heavy music of one of Nagoya’s most talented musicians has begun to attract international attention - and should attract yours.

Similar to Jim O’ Rourke’s solo work, Kei manages to string together a subtle, psychedelic guitar, where each track varies in virtuosity, to create vast ethereal soundscapes of exotic ambiant music.

Kei’s 3rd album Lost People, Lost Music uses some Sgt. Pepper’s style tomfoolery to mask his work as an compilation of lost, ancient Japanese music. An eagerly awaited 4th album nears completion.

Listen to a sample:
Ondo No Seto

Kei will be performing his unique style of music at Tokuzo on July 22nd.

Don't miss it!


Kenji Yanobe: Kindergarten/ヤノベケンジ・キンダガルテン

Atomic-powered cyborgs walk among the many absurd and fabulous contraptions that populate the universe of Kenji Yanobe.

Born in Osaka in 1965, Yanobe grew up on a steady diet of television and manga, much like other otaku-artists of his generation such as Murakami and “the superflat”.

Situating his work within the toxic environments common to science fiction, Yanobe employs its themes and forms to address the central paradox of technology: its boundless potential and unbridled danger.

As a kid, he used to play in the ruins of Expo 1970 Osaka, among its destroyed proto-robots and spacey sculptures. He took from this period an obsessive interest in the image of futuristic catastrophes , such as "Chernobyl 1997".

With "Kindergarten" (en/jp), Yanobe iron-ically winks at the ruins-to-be of this latest Expo, hoping another message emerges for the next generation.

Check out the trailer: here